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What do people who live long without disease eat? Learn those 10 foods that increase age by eating.

What do people who live long without disease eat? Learn those 10 foods that increase age by eating.

An American journalist has found five such places on earth where people live for 100 years or more without any long illness. He has gathered information about the food of such people and has told about 10 such foods, by eating which we too can live for a long time without falling ill.

We all want our life to be healthy and long. Scientists have also done many research on this after which they say that the secret of living long lies in our social connections, sleep habits, level of happiness, environment and sense of purpose. But the most important component to survive for a long time is our food and drink.

America's National Geographic Fellow, award-winning journalist and documentary maker Dan Buettner has done a lot of research on diet and longevity. Buettner is credited with being the first to identify the Earth's 'Blue Zone'. The Blue Zones are the five places on Earth where people live the longest, healthiest lives. People here live 100 years or more and that too without any disease.

In 2008, he published his findings in his bestselling book The Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer from the People who've Lived the Longest. , Sardinia (Italy), Okinawa (Japan), Loma Linda (California) and Nicoya (Costa Rica). Dan Buettner said in one of his podcasts, 'If you're an average person living in the developed world, you probably We are losing about 14 years of life expectancy, and the biggest reason for this is your delicious, highly processed food, but we have no other option.'

Also, Dan Buettner had told that we can learn to cook and eat like the people of Blue Zone even while living in our world. He has told about ten such foods that the people of Blue Zones eat. With a little effort, we can also include these foods in our diet. And the most interesting thing is that almost all the people of Blue Zones include tea-coffee and wine in their drinking.

1. Plant food

95% of the food of the people of Blue Zones comes from plants. Give priority to the products obtained from more and more plants in your diet. Eat plenty of beans, greens – especially spinach, sweet potatoes, nuts and seeds, whole grains.

2. Meat no more than twice a week

People in four out of five Blue Zones consume meat. But people who eat meat in Blue Zones only eat it as a side dish on some festive day. If you are fond of eating meat, do not consume it more than twice a week. Also keep in mind that the meat you are eating should be fresh, not processed meat.

3. You can consume fish daily

Generally people of each blue zone eat a small amount of fish per day. You can include fish in your daily diet for longevity. Include such fish in the food in which the amount of mercury is negligible.

4. Products made from cow's milk are not necessary

We are often told to eat things made from cow's milk to stay healthy and supply calcium, but cow's milk is not a significant part of any Blue Zone diet. People here make curd or cheese from goat or sheep milk and this is included in their diet. Many researches have also shown that our digestive system is not suited for cow's milk products. Instead of cow's milk, we can take a cup of tofu, it gives calcium as much as a cup of milk.

5. Eggs only three in a week

Residents of Blue Zones usually do not eat more than three eggs in a week. People here eat eggs as a side dish with meat or eat it with whole grains. Some people eat boiled egg in their soup while some eat fried egg with beans. Some people in Blue Zones take eggs for breakfast.

  6. Beans      Eat at least half a cup of beans and legumes daily, regardless of their type. Beans are one of the most common foods consumed in Blue Zones. Include black beans, lentils, chickpeas and soybeans in the food. On average, people in the Blue Zones eat four times more legumes than in most developed countries.                                                                                                                                                

7. Reduce the amount of sugar in food

People of Blue Zone eat sweets only during any celebration. If you want to live longer, then do not consume any product whose first five ingredients include sugar. Limit sugar intake to 100 calories per day. If this sugar calorie is also obtained from dry fruits, then it is better. Seven teaspoons of sugar should be the maximum in a day.

8. Nuts

Eat two handfuls of nuts in a day. People in Blue Zones eat about two handfuls of nuts daily. Eat almonds, pistachios, walnuts regularly. A Harvard study has shown that walnut eaters have a 20 percent lower mortality rate than those who do not eat walnuts.

9. Sourdough or Wholemeal Bread

Most of the bread we eat contains sugar and that only increases our calories. Bread in the traditional Blue Zone is made from whole grains such as wheat, rye and barley. Sourdough breads are also made in these areas, which are made from naturally occurring bacteria in whole grains.. It contains less gluten and can be stored for a long time.

10. Eat Whole Grains

Our ancestors used to eat whole grains which were not processed at all. That's why he used to avoid many diseases and lived for a long time. The people of Blue Zone also eat the same food. They eat most of their food raw, lightly cooked or ground.

People of Blue Zone include more than half a dozen ingredients in their food. Mix it and make it like pickle and consume it for a long time. They do not use artificial preservatives in their food.






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