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How to Make Food Less Spicy

Spicy food can be delicious, but it can also be overwhelming for those who cannot handle the heat. Whether you accidentally made a dish too spicy or simply cannot handle the spice level, there are ways to make food less spicy without sacrificing flavor. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks to make food less spicy.

1. Dilute with Dairy

One of the most effective ways to reduce the spiciness of a dish is to add dairy products. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, or cream can help to neutralize the heat from the spices. This is because the casein protein in dairy products binds with the capsaicin, the compound that gives spicy food its heat, reducing the intensity of the spice.

To use dairy to make a dish less spicy, add a dollop of sour cream, plain yogurt, or heavy cream to the dish. If you are making a spicy curry, for example, add a tablespoon or two of yogurt or cream to the curry and stir until well combined.

2. Add Acidic Ingredients

Acidic ingredients like vinegar or citrus juices can help to counteract the heat in a dish. Adding a bit of acid can help to balance out the flavors and reduce the spiciness. To add an acidic ingredient, squeeze a lemon or lime over the dish or add a tablespoon of vinegar. This works particularly well with spicy soups or stews.

3. Add Sweeteners

Adding a sweetener to a spicy dish can help to counterbalance the heat. Sugar, honey, or maple syrup can help to reduce the spiciness and add a touch of sweetness to the dish. Be careful not to add too much sweetener as this can overpower the other flavors in the dish.

4. Serve with Starch

Starchy foods like rice, bread, or potatoes can help to absorb some of the heat from spicy dishes. This is because starches help to absorb liquids, including the spices that give food its heat. When serving a spicy dish, consider adding a side of rice or bread to help balance out the heat.

5. Add More Ingredients

If you have made a dish too spicy, consider adding more ingredients to dilute the spiciness. Adding more vegetables or protein can help to reduce the heat of the dish. This also works well for soups or stews where you can add more liquid to dilute the spice.

6. Serve with a Cooling Side

Serving a cooling side dish can help to balance out the spiciness of a dish. Consider serving a cucumber salad, coleslaw, or sliced avocado with a spicy dish. These sides will not only help to balance out the heat but also add a refreshing flavor to the meal.

7. Remove Spices

If the dish is too spicy because you added too many spices, consider removing some of them. Use a spoon to remove some of the spices, or strain the dish through a sieve to remove the excess spices.


making food less spicy can be done in many ways. Adding dairy, acidic ingredients, sweeteners, serving with starch or cooling side, or diluting with more ingredients are all effective ways to reduce the spiciness of a dish. Experiment with these methods to find what works best for you, and don't be afraid to adjust the heat level to your liking.

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